Welcome to the CNEM's website!
The Centre national d'écriture du mouvement en cinétographie Laban (National Centre for Kinetography Laban Movement Writing) is a non-profit organisation created in 1959 by Théodore d'Erlanger to introduce the teaching of Kinetography Laban at the Ecole supérieure d'études chorégraphiques - ESEC (Higher Education School of choreographic studies), first school in France to prefigure what will be the Diplôme d'Etat (State Diploma) for dance teachers.
Later, it carried on its activities in order to develop the teaching, the circulation and practical application of this analysis and writing system for movement published by Rudolf Laban in 1928, by producing the first translations of reference texts and by publishing the first textbooks and scores in French.
On this website you will find information regarding our activities and our functioning, a presentation of Kinetography Laban, and a few pages to get to know the basics of this subject.
Since 2011, our archives – presented under the « Publication » tab – are entrusted to the Centre National de la Danse's media library (National Centre for Dance – Pantin, Paris region); they are available for on-site consultation on demand.
Under the « Other resources » and « External links » tabs, you will find some documents available online, as well as places offering courses and information.

What are our activities?
The CNEM focuses its activities on creating resources for the Laban notators' community: publishing project, educational research, IT, presentation about Kinetography Laban.
If you are working on such a project, the CNEM is susceptible to guide you in your process: funding, subsidies, networking with other competent people.

How to be a member?
Anyone wishing to take part in the purpose of the organisation can become a member of the CNEM.
The annual membership is 15€ (per calendar year).
The student membership is 8€.
Note that the statutes, meetings and reports are in French!
helloasso.com offers a secure online payment for your membership.
9 rue du Transvaal
75020 Paris
T: +33 6 89 98 44 38