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Here you will find places and organisations offering training courses & other resources.

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Dictionary of Kinetography Laban

Work-in-progress project started in 2020 to upload Albrecht Knust's Kinetography Laban Dictionary. About 300 entries (out of 1000) are currently available online for free. This online dictionary is based on the 1979 Macdonald and Evans edition. You can watch a short video presenting the website's functions at the following address:


International Council of Kinetography Laban - in English

This international organisation has been registered in France since 2019. Created in 1959 after Laban's death, it aims at promoting, coordinating and developing Kinetography Laban. Its members meet in a biennial congress (alternating between Europe, Asia, and America), and the conference's proceedings are published. ICKL counts around a hundred members and between 10 and 20 nationalities, depending on the years.


Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris

It is the world's reference in terms of training course. The higher education curriculum in Kinetography Laban was created by Jacqueline Challet-Haas and is open since 1990. It was then directed by Noëlle Simonet until 2021, and is now by Olivier Bioret and Estelle Corbière. It consists of two 2-year degrees, the first one presenting an overview of the system's functioning, and the second degree allowing the students to specialise. The second degree diploma delivered at the end of the studies is a Masters' degree level. Aside from Kinetography Laban, other subjects are taught to broaden the course: other Laban analysis disciplines (Effort, Shape, Choreutics), but also music training and thematic seminars.


Association nationale des notateurs du mouvement - Envol des Signes

This French organisation is open to all movement writing systems but mainly focuses on Kinetography Laban. It regularly offers Kinetography Laban workshops for beginners, as well as private tuition, and helps in guiding notators in their projects.


Centre national de la danse

This French national centre has one of the most valuable media library: about dance in general and notation in particular. The library hosts several collections dedicated to notation (including the Albrecht Knust collection) and several hundreds of digitalised scores in open access.

Moreover, the CND has a « Research and repertoire » department, coordinating three types of programmes: « research and heritage support »,
« Amateur dancing and repertoire », and « PhD students and notators research ».


Dance Notation Bureau

Historic American association, founded in 1940 to promote Laban notation in the United States and worldwide. For many years, it provided advanced training in "Labanotation", and today offers modular training by videoconference with American and French teachers. It has a substantial collection of scores and documents on Laban notation.

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